Friday, 17 October 2008

My first *HAPPY* entry

Dont know why I get so excited so easily about everything we do on our course... But hey! Isn't that great?

Lets talk about what we've been up to so far)

2d Animation.

Haven't done a single animatic using lightbox since this summer so it's very nice to be 'back on the track'. And altough we started from the basics (like 'the bouncing ball') it didnt make things any less enjoyable. In fact I believe the purpose of making us do simple things is to show us that even a very simple animation can have this "energy", the feeling of "reality" to it. It can work .

Apparently not every course starts off with the basics. My friend who studies animation in London just told me how their group already did quite a complex animation of a person blowing up a balloon. What's that about? To me this is a dodgy approach...

Maya [3d Animation]

As a true fan of 3 generations of Playstation games I absolutely love_love_love 3D realities. From stuff like 'Spyro' and 'Gex' (I'm a girl after all:)) to more realistic 'Resident Evil' and 'Tomb Rider', weren't the people who made it work clever?
Gosh! Now we actually get a chance to make a 3D reality ourselves! Yoo-pee!

Saying that, I first started learning maya last year on my Access digi-animation course. But the teacher who was incapable of explaining things properly almost ruined it for me.
Thank goodness in Falmouth things are different. So far our group had two lectures with George (who looks like an absolute geeky genius to me) and already he clarified an awful lot of things from the last year. Hooray)

History and Theory

Whoever said that lectures are boring was a dork :) Our lectures are engaging. So far we talked about concepts, their representations and discussed how cinematograph (and different genres) developed around the world. I never actually knew that montage technique was first used by Kuleshov during Stalin's dictatorship (in Russia). Shame on me)

a little pal from Photoshop

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