Firstly, Jake got his lovely recording with
Jim Broadbent which for some reason also makes me all uber- excited and happy. It was just one of these "i dont know if the thing i'm waiting for is going to happen" type of event, but it happened so yay. Obviously this is where Oddne the Norwegian Warrior and me the hollybird come into equation with our - quite frankly - outstanding animation craft.
Secondly, the Innovation project is about to be launched sending all sorts of shivers down my spine; It means I get to
really play.... and salivating Pavlov style to see what everyone else is going to think up. Jenny is animating and Kat wants to use z-brush. It's like the world has turned upside down. :)
Thirdly I should probably get some sleep but the Turkish coffee has turned out stronger and better than usual so its a buzzzzzzz time.
Now for the work bit....
a new fairly decent rig has been found in a form of a triceratops skeleton. That's right you can fancy yourself as an aspiring young paleontologist without ever leaving the studio. As for the actual animation I will soon post a walk cycle. Its there just needs some (ch hem...major) adjustments.
Two, a eureka moment concerning this term - it's actually happening!!! The films, the fuss, the work, the lot. Now its coming out of the stupid cocoon stage and into the production. OMG. This is what we were here for all along. Yikes
P.S. Can we get enough people to sign up a petition to install A.C. or something? It's been unbearable the last couple of days. + all hails to the lecturers who dare work in such abnormality. Really I wander.....
P.P.S -still can't sleep!!!!-